
January 16, 2023

For every room, 
There is another slightly larger room
 Just beyond it.
When you outgrow a room, 
Recreate the one you were in.

Fill it with the same mementos
Worn bright from over handling.
Abandonment, betrayal,
Inadequacy, alienation.

Choose carefully --
These irritants accrete
And your eyes cherish 
Their polished gleam like pearls.

“Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.”
Ritualize your suffering. 
It congeals the trap door
Into a hard crust.

   2 - 6 - 07

Operculum 2

For every room,
There is another 
Infinitely possible room
   All around it.
When the old one traps you, consider

Windows reveal more than walls
Doors open more than windows
Eyes beholding eyes, more than doors

Direct your eyestalks kindly --
Beneath this ocean
Understand every shell is Striving
Fragile and Beautiful
in its unique design.
As the the Sequoia's trunk, 
the raindrop ripple in the pond,
the operculum grows concentric waves
In compassion
To expand the soul of its foot

 1 - 16 - 23


The Skeptic

January 16, 2023

In the backseat

jouncing up Amherst Main Street

 to the hill’s crest


My granddaughter leaned sideways

affording as much confidence

as the carseat restraint allowed.


Gesturing behind her

toward an grand oak-shaded yellow homestead

beyond a white picket fence

she whispered


You know, Grammy

That lady who lived up there?

Emily Dickenchicken?

Never left her house!

Do you think that’s TRUE?


What reasonable response

convinces a budding skeptic 

approaching four?


Well, I think she liked to be at home,

I ventured,

but the raised eyebrow volleyed back.

But didn’t Emily want to go out

to visit people?


One afternoon that summer,

after tending to their organic garden

(occasionally enjoyed by a family of porcupines)

my daughter and granddaughters and I

toured the Dickinson Homestead.


Once admitted with a small group

we were shmarmed by the docent

with his polished narrative.


Family pictures and history in the parlor 

Her bedroom where she wrote

at an implausibly tiny desk

Her ingenious either – or notation

for when she could not choose between words


The kitchen where she liked to bake

(a few kind asides here and there to entertain

the well behaved granddaughters) 

how she liked to dangle baskets of cookies

from a rope out the window

for neighborhood children waiting beneath


Wrapping up 

the docent invited anyone interested 

to visit on our own a replica of the garden 

Emily spent much time tending.


The Skeptic made a beeline 

meticulously examining every flowerbed

abuzz with actual bees on an array

of heirloom blossoms


Satisfied, she turned to me.



You see, Grammy?


She would at least 

have had to go to the grocery store

for vegetables!




February 26, 2022



I like to walk in the woods


I don’t know where I am anymore


I like the sensation

of disorientation

the unsettlement


to feel presence


longitude or latitude


In Chandigarh

A professor 

in whose home I stayed


showed me my own home

half a world away

Google Earth aerial view

his brand new toy


partially obscured by trees

it resembled The Shire map

from The Hobbit


I prefer to travel

somewhere I have not been before

familiar places seem unavoidable

why seek them out


In the woods nearby

a couple passed me

with five chihuahuas

and a few bigger hybrids


I gave the menagerie a wide berth

avoiding eye contact

but one chihuahua circled back


and bit me 

leaving a bruise 

beneath heavy jeans


so far so good

reasonable risk

compared to 

hurtling through space


in a metal box

avoiding other metal boxes

often carelessly aimed 


to follow haranguing 

immediate GPS directives


even then

it is good to turn onto 

a dirt road that goes 

nowhere in particular

Invasive Species

January 22, 2022

They came here
to organize rocks
to turn the shared seacoast
into a labyrinthine spiral

Then they balanced rocks vertically
to disrupt the horizon line
with miniature sloppy spaceships

As if we needed
to spiral inward involuntarily
As if we needed to erect reminder monuments
to our precarious follies

As if the sea-side moraine itself
was not sufficient evidence
of cosmic eons of evolution
by glaciers and waves at the bouldered shore –

Igneous protrusions of crystalline quartz
enfolded sedimentary layer cakes
metamorphic gneiss glittering stripes

Now across the dune, a woman
kicks up sand clouds furiously –
my very thoughts incarnate –
she’s dashing the rock spiral apart

A time to cast away stones!
Yessss I sing back into
the salt spray –
“Thank you!” I wave out, as I pass

They have already built a surfeit
of murderous intrusions elsewhere
No need to materialize
a conceptual mystic journey into self
then out again into the universe –

No need to impede a path to enlightenment
already here

No need to kill tiny life forms
that cling to the bottoms of every rock
they snatch from the tide pool

No need for higher Babels to celebrate
their ignorance of nature’s language

Here the sea sculpts the coast
advancing on the invaders
with each tide

Disambiguation – A Lot

January 25, 2021

Journalists and other media spokespersons
have been using the phrase
a lot
a lot.
It has come to annoy me
a lot.

By way of suggestion
perhaps some well-intended
disambiguation from my own recent conversations:

Although this has indeed been
a trying time in groping for superlatives,
a different phrase would occasionally help
a lot.
(very much)

I sewed
a lot
of masks for my family and friends this year.
(a great many)

I miss my family and friends
a lot.
(a great deal)

In 2020 the president of the United States lied
a lot
(very often)
about Covid 19, election integrity and
a lot
of other things.
(a shit load)

I put a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris sign
at the end of
our lot
(a portion of land designated for ownership)
near the road
where it was stolen.

Neither of the “Trump – Law and Order” signs
two houses down
was stolen.
A lot
of situational irony there.
(a considerable amount)

When the contents of Mar-a-Lago are finally auctioned
to pay off his bankruptcy
will there be
a lot
of assorted fake presidential metals,
ribbons and awards
for eager bidders?
(a group of articles for auction to be sold as one unit)

I hope the folks of Palm Beach Florida
will soon be able to raze
the structures on Mar-a-Lago
to designate it an agricultural
(Medieval standard of property
designated by engraved stone borders
large enough for each farmer to produce
an estimated two days
of reaped hay)

To the outgoing administration
and all of its supporters
aiders and abettors
who attempted to overthrow our Democracy
I dream of delivering to each of you
in the Federal Penitentiary
*as a gesture of forgiveness*
a lot
of beautiful chocolate cake.
(archaic British Royal Standard of measurement
equal to one half
of an ounce.)


(The Magic 8 Ball keeps telling me to:) Ask Again Later

December 11, 2020

If putting up signs helps you to feel better –
and you already have: Be Kind!
Here’s one to go next to it: Be Brave!

My mother used to tell me to eat things I didn’t like
because children were starving in China

I did not understand this was intended to be
a lesson in shame for not being grateful
I was appalled – I thought she intended me to feel glad
that I was not the one who was suffering most

The whole world seems to be suffering –
Huge oak trees have toppled here
in our summer hurricane – just ripped out of the ground
top-heavy from branches laden with green acorns

I was surprised to see such shallow roots on the underside
a metaphor for something
but poetry seems too obvious now

or too cryptic and maybe both at once
The children were starving in China
Their beloved Mao had told them to stop farming
to melt down their hoes and rakes and plows
and their cooking woks for the Great Leap Forward 
Each village had its own mound of slag

When they became hungry he told them
to deep till the soil, way beneath topsoil
and to plant seed very crowded together
to encourage better and more abundant crops

Fearing to defy him
the village communes all bragged
of increasingly huge grain quota numbers
Scientific knowledge was scorned  
Scientists were publicly shamed, tortured

The results were predicted and refuted
Too obvious and too cryptic
So when people compare 45 to Hitler
I say – and Mao!

The green acorns
that won’t ripen for squirrels this winter
do not make me feel glad
to be in the human hemisphere

ask again later
when this will be over
but be brave and kind and hopeful now

Keep writing poetry
because masks and words at a distance
are closer than they appear
obvious and cryptic

signs brave and kind